Creating a new online project Estimated reading: 2 minutes 210 views Tab Home on the BEXEL CDE homepage Once BEXEL CDE is launched in the browser, the homepage opens with the projects listed and assigned to the logged-in user. The homepage represents a list of projects sorted by project type. By clicking on the icon ‘Project Statistics‘ on the right side of the BEXEL CDE project’s name the user can activate the chart which contains information regarding the size of the project and the number of elements. The homepage lets users quickly access the recently opened projects by clicking the “Open Version” command. Tab Projects on the BEXEL CDE homepage By clicking on the command ‘Projects’ within the homepage, another window will open, which contains a list of existing projects with information about the Project manager, date of creation, author, etc., … Creating a new online project BEXEL CDE solution contains several different modules, which are BEXEL Viewer, BEXEL Documents, BEXEL Portfolio Manager and BEXEL Facility Maintenance. Those modules can be used and added separately within the BEXEL CDE solution depending on the types of user licenses. The basis for exploring the above-mentioned modules is an BEXEL CDE project created using the process below.Click on the tab Projects within the BEXEL CDE homepage. → Click on the Create New Project command. → Within Create New Project form, enter the Project Name and the Project Description (optionally).→ Define the Account, Company, Project Manager, Project Type, Country and Currency. → Check which BEXEL Products the new project will include. → Click on the Create New command.