Sectioning tool

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The sectioning tool is very useful for creating different cross-sections of the model. It is possible to choose between two sectioning modes, Planes and Box. This tool can be used for a detailed overview of the model’s quality and the project’s visual presentation.


It is possible to set the plane of the cross-section in parallel with X, Y, or Z-axis.

Creating a section plane

  • Select the View tab → Click on the Enable Sectioning icon → The menu for editing the section will open → Click on the Active Planes button → Choose the section plane named Plane 1 → Choose the position of the section plane in the model.

Editing a section plane

  • Click the arrow next to the Edit button and choose the cross-section you want to edit
  • The Tab key changes the orientation of the section plane
  • The Space key changes the vector’s orientation and the section plane’s direction
  • Use the predefined views from the Align drop-down menu, such as Top, Bottom, Left, etc., to align the section plane with them
  • Rotate the plane by using Rotate command under Transform drop-down menu
  • Press Enter to finish editing the plane
  • At the same time, six horizontal section planes can be stored
  • Moving the section plane along the vector → Select the vector and determine the position of the section plane in parallel to the direction of the vector.


The section box enables the sectioning of the model on all six planes.

Creating a section box

  • Select the View tab → Click on the Enable Sectioning icon → The menu for editing the section will open → Click on the arrow in the Mode segment, and from the drop-down menu, choose Box.
  • Section box around a selected element can be created using Fit to Selection.

Editing a section box

  • Translating the section box along the vector → Choose Translate command under the Transform segment drop-down menu → Select the side of a box → Determine the position of the box side.
  • Rotating the section box along the axis → Choose Rotate command under the Transform segment drop-down menu → Select and hold the axis with the left mouse button.
  • To undo the changes, click on the Reset button.
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Sectioning tool

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