Texture application

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BEXEL Manager can apply textures to model elements. It should be noted that the image must be in the 1: 1 ratio and the optimal image size should be at least 1024 x 1024 pixels in JPG format. Textures can be manually added to selected elements or specific categories/families.

Adding texture to selected elements

Select the elements to apply the texture on → Select the Manage tab → Click the Texture Editor button → Select the Project folder in the Textures and Mappings list → Click the Add Texture button → Select the desired texture and in the Add Texture window, name the file → Click the Add Mapping button → Define the material name, tile and mapping Mode and confirm the selection → Complete the procedure by clicking the OK button.

The elements can be selected in various ways using different tools, for example, the Navigation or Selection Regime tool or with the help of the Find Elements tool, etc.

In the Add Texture window another texture can be found by using the options Browse Global Directory and Browse. It is also possible to make changes to the texture wrap mode (Wrap Mode (S), Wrap Mode (T)) as well as minification and magnification of texture (Minification Filter, Magnification Filter).

Adding texture to specific category/family

This option helps add the same material to the entire category/family. If there is more than one material within the category/family, the distribution can be done using filters.

Select the Manage tab → Click the Texture Editor button → Select the Project folder in the Textures and Mappings list → Click the Add Texture button → Select the desired texture, and in the Add Texture window, name the file → Click the Add Mapping button → Define the material name → Under Target Mapping Mode section choose Category/Family/Filter → Complete the procedure by clicking the OK button.

Removing texture from selected elements

Select the elements to remove the texture from → Right click → Click on the Texture Mapping command → Choose the Remove Texture option.

Removing texture from the list

Select the Manage tab → Click the Texture Editor button → Select the texture on the list → Right click → Select Delete.

Select the Manage tab → Click the Texture Editor button → Select the texture on the list → Choose the Delete Texture command from the upper part of the Texture Editor window.

All the textures are stored by default stored in the Global Textures Folder. It is located on the following path:  C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\BEXEL\Bexel Manager 24\Textures.

The undo command (Ctrl+Z) does not work with this tool.

Texture editing

Select the element → Choose the Manage tab → Click on the Texture Editor icon → Then activate the Edit Mapping button → Finish the procedure by clicking the OK button.

Select the element → Right click → Choose the Texture Mapping tab → Go to Mapping… → Click the Edit Mapping button → Finish the procedure by clicking the OK button.

Editing a texture or mapping is possible by right-clicking within the Texture Editor window and selecting the Edit command.

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Texture application

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