Progress analysis

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Schedule comparison

The Planner can precisely analyze project performance by comparing the Baseline schedule (Master schedule created before project execution and copied to serve as a baseline for comparison) with the Actual schedule, which is updated with progress information and automatically updated and re-calculated accordingly. This command is available in the Gantt schedule view. The baseline schedule can be defined in the drop-down menu Compare With and the two schedules can be seen in the same Gantt diagram. It is very important to duplicate a schedule before the begging of monitoring progress.

In the drop-down menu choose the actual plan within the Schedule Editor tab → Click on Compare With command and in the drop-down menu choose a schedule that you would like to be compared to the first one → The result can be analyzed in the Gantt view.

Task report

In the drop-down menu choose the actual plan within the Schedule Editor tab → Click on Compare With command and in the drop-down menu choose a schedule that you would like to be compared to the first one → The result can be analyzed in the Gantt view.

Besides Gantt, all essential performance parameters of two schedules can be analyzed by clicking on the parent task of the active schedule and choosing the Task Report option. Task Report contains comparison charts representing cost, material, labor and equipment distribution during the project execution of two schedules. The planner can easily identify deviations from planned progress, see a detailed forecast of duration and resources distribution based on entered progress data and to identify and assess risks related to progress delays.

For additional analyses, both schedule animations can be exported to review the situation within the animation on a specific day. The second option is to click on the schedule within the schedule editor tab and click on the Task Report command. Within this command, different schedules can also be compared for a specific period of time. This option is illustrated below.

For a more detailed project analysis, the project manager can add columns with additional information within the Gantt diagram and compare certain parameters for every project task. For example, the Project manager can add the column Baseline Cost and Actual Cost in the Gantt diagram and compare cost changes for every task in the project schedule. This could be achieved by simple steps listed below:

In the drop-down menu choose the actual plan within the Schedule Editor tab  Right-Click on any schedule task  Select the option Insert Column and choose the parameters that you want to have listed in the Gantt diagram for comparative analysis.

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Progress analysis

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