Clash view mode, Clash View options and element selection

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Clash View Mode

To view selected clashes in the main viewport activate the Clash View Mode option. There are a few ways to do that. 

Select clashes by clicking on them (use CTRL key for multiple selections) and then click the Clash View Mode button.

Select clashes by clicking on them (use CTRL key for multiple selections) and choose the View option with a right-click..

Double click on a clash to enter the Clash View Mode option.

To return to the default viewport, click again on the Clash View Mode Button.

Clash View Options

In the​ Clash View Options it is possible to change the appearance of elements in the Clash View mode.

Click the Options button → Select Clash Options→ In the Clash Detection tab, in the Clash View Options section select Clash Elements and check Colorize → Choose the  color to change the appearance of elements involved in the clash.

Parameters, such as Render Other Elements, Dimming Transparency, Dimming Render Type and Dimming Color allow changing the appearance of other elements that do not participate in the clash.

Under Render Other Elements there are few ways to view other elements:

  • Normal → Elements that do not participate in clashes are displayed as usual.

  • Hide → This command hides all elements not participating in a clash.

  • Dim → Other elements will be displayed transparently.

  • Dimming Transparency → Select the level of transparency for other elements.

  • Dimming Render Type → This command is used in the same way as the Render Type in the context menu. Three Dimming Render Type options are available: Wirefrime, Shaded and Shaded With Edges.

  • Dimming Color → Determining the color of the other elements when Dimming Render Type is set to Shaded or Shaded With Edges.

Element selection

To select elements in conflict right-click on selected clashes, click the Select Elements and choose between the options All, Left or Right, for selecting all elements in conflict, left or right clash group.

For adding more elements to selection, right-click on the selected clashes, click Add to Selection and choose between the options All, Left or Right.

By selecting specific elements in the main viewport and using the Filter Selected Elements option from the Filter drop-down menu the system will find clashes, within the active clash job, in which the selected elements appear.

To view and select detected clashes simultaneously, select clashes by clicking on them (use the CTRL key for multiple selections) and with the right-click select View and Select Elements option.

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Clash view mode, Clash View options and element selection

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