Clash review

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Clash detection status

Upon creating a clash detection job the system will list all detected clashes with the default clash status New. When analyzing the clash detection list, a clash status can be set to High, Medium, Low, Undefined, Active, Solved or Not ClashBeside these default clash statuses which can’t be modified, new clash statuses can be added, edited or deleted. Filter the clash detection list by status criteria to isolate only the main clashes for the report.

Select the desired clash → Right-Click → Click Change Status  → Select status.

Select the Clash Statuses option under Options drop-down menu→ The Clash Statuses window will open→ Edit or delete existing statuses, or set new ones → You can change the name and color of the status by clicking Edit → Click Add to add a new status.

To change status for all clashes, use CTRL+A to select all → Right-click → Click on the Change Status command.

The Clash status after running clash detection job for the first time is New. After updating Clash detection, all previously New clashes will automatically change status to Active/Solved. Only collisions with new elements will have status New. Update Clash detection simply by clicking Update button.

Distance is an important parameter for defining clash detection status. Elements with small negative clashing distance are easily solved on the construction site, so they can be determined as minor clashes. Considering this, we can sort the clash list by distance criteria column and find the main issues in the current clash job.

Certain tolerances allow minor overlaps that are not important. If you want to exclude minor clashes at the start of the clash detection process, add tolerance e.g. 0.05m before running clash detection in the Clash detection job, and all clashes equal or less than 0.05m will not appear in the clash detection list. This only applies to the type Hard clashes.

Clash detection groups

In practice, individual clashes are often interconnected because they are caused by the same problem or can be resolved similarly. These clashes can be combined into a group of clashes, which can be treated as a major clash that must be solved. This way, a clash detection list with many clashes can be simplified.

Select clashes → Right-click and select the Group (Selection) option → The Clash Group window opens → Define the group name in the Group Name field → A newly-formed group appears in the clash list.

To create a group of certain families that participate in several different clashes, use the filtering option:

Right-click on one clash result → Select elementsAll → Enable option Filter selected elements (the system will filter all clashes in which selected elements are participating) → Select filtered clashes in clash detection list → Right-click and select Group (Selection) option → Name Clash group → Disable option Filter selected elements.

If you have the “Filter selected elements” option enabled and you notice two or more groups in the clashing list, you may not be able to view all the clashes belonging to those groups.

To merge groups, disable option ‘Filter selected elements’ → Select clashes from one group → Drag and drop selected clashes into other group → If needed, rename group with added clashes.

To create groups directly in the viewport:

Select all clashes within the clash list → Isolate selected elements in the viewport screen → Select group of elements that are consider to be one clash problem → Check option Filter selected elements → Select isolated clashes from clash list → Right-click and choose Group (Selection) option in dropdown list → Name Clash group → Disable option Filter selected elements.

Grouping by element ID

Grouping clashes based on the ID of the elements involved in the conflict is a useful feature for automating the clash detection process. This feature allows to quickly identify and group all clashes with corresponding IDs.

The option Group inclusive (single group) enables the grouping of selected clashes from the list with the same or different ID (left or right) into one group.

Select clashes from the list → Right-Click and select  Group inclusive (single group)Left → The Clash Group window opens → Define the group name in the Group Name field → A newly-formed group appears in the clash list.

The option Group inclusive (multiple groups) enables grouping of selected clashes from the list into several separate groups, one for each found ID (left or right).

Select clashes from the list → Right-Click and select  Group inclusive (multiple groups)Right → A newly-formed groups appears in the clash list.

Adding one or more clashes to a specific group and transferring them from one group to another is also possible using the drag and drop command.

By right-clicking on a group, it is possible to select all elements, change their status, and remove the group.

To change the status of an individual clash within the group or remove it from the group, right-click on the selected clash within the group and change the status.

You can use the Overview option for a brief summary of the conflict analysis results between each conflict group.

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Clash review

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