Merging revisions of the project

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When we are committing the changes to the TeamWorks project, the system will notify us that a newer revision of the TeamWorks project exists in case a team member has recently added it. To import the analysis and data from the latest revision, we must merge it with the Bexel Manager project version.

Activate the TeamWorks tab in the upper corner of the user interface and click on the command Commit Changes within the TeamWorks tab. à After committing changes by clicking on the command Commit Changes, a notification will pop out notifying the user that a new revision has been published. à In the window Commit changes click on the command Merge to merge revisions with the BEXEL Manager project. à In the Exchange Wizard define data you want to merge from your BEXEL Manager project with the changes from the latest revisions. à In the next window choose the data from your BEXEL Manager project that you want to merge with the changes of the latest revisions. Click on the Finish command to finish the process of merging. à A new window Export Documents will pop out which will ask the user if he wants to export Documents (this will appear in case you are exporting, for example, clash detection analysis). à In the window Commit Changes we have to define the description of the revision and then we must click on the Commit Changes command. à After that, a notification will pop out that the Project has been committed successfully.

With this process, different analyses were successfully merged. The user can also choose the option Overwrite from the 2. Step. If we choose this option, the changes from our BEXEL Manager project will be discarded.

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Merging revisions of the project

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