Registering the add-in

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For the host application to load the add-in, a manifest file must be placed in a predefined location in:

C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\Roaming\BEXEL\Bexel Manager 24\AddIns

The basic structure of the manifest file is described below.


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>


  <AddIn Type=”Application”>

   <Name>My Bexel Manager Addin</Name>

   <Description>My Bexel Manager Addin</Description>




   <CompanyId>My Company</CompanyId>





  • Name – This field represents the name of the add-in. This field is required.
  • Description – This field represents the short description of the add-in. This field is optional.
  • Assembly – This field represents a path to the assembly. It can also be described using a relative path (relative to the manifest file location). This field is required.
  • AddInId – It can be any validly generated GUID (e.g. GUID Generator inside Visual Studio or an online generator). This field is required.
  • FullClassName – This field represents the entry point for the add-in and should be a fully qualified class name (namespace + class name). This field is required.
  • CompanyId – This field represents the identification of the company. This field is optional.
  • Version – This field represents the current version (in format: of the add-in. This field is required.
  • MinimalBexelApplicationVersion – This field represents the minimum version of BEXEL Manager on which the specified version of the add-in works. Add-ins with versions greater than the current BEXEL Manager version will be ignored during the startup. This field is required.

The manifest file must be saved with an extension .bxa (Bexel Add-In File) in order for the host application to register it.

Once the add-in is successfully loaded, it can be accessed via Ribbon inside Bexel Manager
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Registering the add-in

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