Schedule progress editor palette

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Progress monitoring in the BEXEL Manager environment is performed within the Schedule Editor tab with the help of the Progress command. By clicking on the Progress command, the Schedule Progress Editor window will open to enter progress for a specific period.
The schedule progress editor palette is used to create and edit progress entries in the active schedule defined in the Schedule Editor tab. Changes in progress entries in this tab will only affect the active schedule in the Schedule Editor tab, also displayed in the Schedule Progress Editor tab, but without permission to change the active schedule.

The command New is used for creating a new progress entry. The toolbar contains usual commands, such as Edit and Delete, used to edit or delete created progress entries. The New Column command adds a new column to the progress entry row, which can be edited directly in the column cell by entering desired remarks, comments, notes, subcontractors, etc. A newly added column can be renamed or deleted by right-clicking on it, and by dragging the column header, it can be moved to the desired location. Export and Import commands are used to export schedule progress for a specific time interval in .xls format with or without resources, or vice versa to import schedule progress from .xls format. The View command shows the progress entry editor window without editing permission. Using the Resources command user can see the resources for the selected progress entry. By selecting desired progress entry it is possible to select elements or to add to selection elements from the selected progress entry using the Select command. Status date is used to set the last day of the monitoring period by choosing the last day from the status date box and clicking on the green tick icon next to the box. By clicking on the Pop Out command, the Schedule Progress Editor window screen will be displayed independently, allowing the user to utilize other tabs and commands or view some other data in the model without closing the Schedule Progress Editor window.

On the left side of the Schedule Progress editor tab is a list of all entered progress entries, and on the right side are all activities included in the selected progress entry on the left side. In the right window, the user can group the list by Activities, Tasks, or Classifications by selecting from the Group By: drop-down list. User can also see resources for each activity by clicking on the Resources command in the right window of the Schedule Progress Editor tab. Selection command is used to select elements or to add to selection elements from each selected activity from the list. The Collapse All and Expand All commands are used to collapse or expand the whole activity list or up to a certain level. Export command is used for exporting selected progress entry in .xls format. Filtering options are located at the upper right side of the Schedule Progress Editor tab.

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Schedule progress editor palette

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