Reporting and analysis using BEXEL Viewer + Power BI Estimated reading: 5 minutes 1436 views In synergy with the powerful analytic tool, BEXEL Viewer is further enhanced with the Power BI dashboards making the ultimate solution for the up-to-date tracking of the project KPIs. Interactive Power BI dashboards can be published together with BEXEL Viewer to perform advanced analyses, connect all important business decisions and track the project performance through the whole project lifecycle.It is available to export the data and the following Power BI + BEXEL Viewer template reports:Model ExplorerModel Explorer with CostClash Detection5D EstimationEarned Value AnalysisResource Earned Value AnalysisMonthly Payment CertificateCustom Period Payment CertificateCash FlowArea AnalysisProperty Checker ResultsProperty Data CheckProperty Naming CheckProject Naming CheckUsing the Power BI + BEXEL viewer interactive dashboards, you can get visibility of massive data in synergy with the embedded BIM model providing real-time reports and invaluable dashboards which can be customized to meet the exact need of the specific project. Power BI + BEXEL Viewer reports providing agile inquiry and analysis that helps stakeholders to recognize the value and core importance of real-time and predictive analytics, allowing them to extract insights from the massive BIM data. Embedded BEXEL Viewer allows the visualisation of the gained insights directly in the report, exploring the BIM model and massive data on various levels. Explore interactive POWER BI POWER BI + BEXEL VIEWER dashboards MODEL EXPLORER CLASH DETECTION 5D ESTIMATION EARNED VALUE RESOURCE EARNED VALUE PAYMENT CERTIFICATES Export PBI Template + Bexel Viewer from Bexel Manager Further steps include an explanation of how to export PBI Templates + Bexel Viewer and data from Bexel Manager:Model ExplorerModel Explorer with CostClash Detection5D EstimationEarned Value AnalysisResource Earned Value AnalysisArea Analysis Please note that the project version must be published to Bexel CDE before the following process starts → Activate the Manage tab → Click Power BI Publish Report with BEXEL Viewer → From the drop-down list, select report (Model Explorer, Model Explorer with Cost, Clash Detection, 5D Estimation, Earned Value Analysis, Resource Earned Value Analysis, Area Analysis) and click Export Template → The Power BI Export Wizard opens → Select the Project and Project Version from the corresponding drop-down list → Choose Filter elements (All Elements, Selected Elements or Visible Elements) → Check box for Auto Load Models if model should be automatically loaded in Bexel Viewer within published report → Choose Bexel Manager Version for data export. This enables to export data for current and/or older Bexel Manager Versions of Power BI Templates. → Click Next and check the schedules, custom breakdowns, cost versions, and clash jobs (depending on the selected report for export) for export by clicking the check box next to the listed item → Click Finish command → Click Save to save the data on the local computer (at predefined location) → Confirm that selected destination is fine to be replaced by clicking Yes command → Confirm that you want to continue the process by clicking Yes command → New data export will overwrite previously exported data → Exported data are ready to be loaded into certain PBI Template. After publishing the report from BEXEL Manager, it can be edited, customized and published online with Power BI Publish to the web. Export Data from Bexel Manager Please note that the project version must be published to Bexel CDE before the following process starts → Activate the Manage tab → Click Power BI Publish Report with BEXEL Viewer → From the drop-down list, select report (Model Explorer, Model Explorer with Cost, Clash Detection, 5D Estimation, Earned Value Analysis, Resource Earned Value Analysis, Area Analysis) and click Export Data → The Power BI Export Wizard opens → Select the Project and Project Version from the corresponding drop-down list → Choose Filter elements (All Elements, Selected Elements or Visible Elements) → Check the box for Auto Load Models if the model should be automatically loaded in Bexel Viewer within published report → Click Next and check the schedules, custom breakdowns, cost versions, and clash jobs (depending on the selected report for export) for export by clicking the check box next to the listed item → Click Finish and Save the template Power BI Report (.pbix) on a local computer at a desired location. Rename the file as wanted. Open template report in Power BI and publish a report to the web application Open previously locally saved template (.pbix) in the Microsoft Power BI desktop application → Click the Refresh command and data exported from Bexel Manager are loaded into the PBI template report → To enable viewing the BIM model in Bexel Viewer visual, the report must be published to the Microsoft Power BI web application. Click Publish command → Select file destination (e.g. My workspace) and click Select command → When the publishing process is finished, click on the link to open certain report within the Power BI web application → Follow the logging steps for Bexel Viewer → Click on the Go to Login page → Enter the logging details (Username and Password) → Click the Login command → Bexel Viewer opens with certain Project Version → Click Refresh command within browser where Power BI report is opened → Bexel Viewer visual contains BIM model preview. Create embed report (Publish to the web) The report is opened within the Power BI web application in a browser. Click the File, and choose the Embed report command from the drop-down list. Click the Publish to web (public) option → To get a link or embed code, click Create embed code and Publish command → The report is ready to share. Copy the link for further use.