Creating a new schedule activity (New task)

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

To create a new activity, first activate the Gantt display. select the activity or schedule within which a new activity will be created. This section covers the creation of:

  • Blank activity
  • Milestone activity
  • Linked activity

Creating the blank activity

Blank Task or empty activity is an activity that is not linked to a building block of the object but can be linked later.

Click on the created parent task of the newly created schedule or select the existing activity under which the new blank sub-activity will be created → Click on the arrow next to the New Task button → Select the Blank item → The New Task window will open → Assign the name of new activity in the Name field → Finish the procedure by clicking the OK button → Activity will appear in the schedule.

Creating the milestone activity

Milestone activity illustrates the completion of a certain phase. As such, there is no time duration and therefore does not appear in the animation of the schedule. It also cannot have sub-activity or be connected to building blocks. In the Gantt chart, milestone activity is shown in the form of a rhombus.

Select an activity under which a new milestone activity will be added → Click on the arrow next to the New Task button → Select the Milestone item → The New Task window will open → Assign the name of the new milestone activity in the Name field → Finish the procedure by clicking OK → Milestone activity will appear in the schedule.

Creating the linked activity

A linked Task is an activity with which different elements can be associated. It can be associated with individual elements, such as individual floors of a particular building, families, individual building blocks, Selection Sets, etc.

Select an activity under which a new linked activity will be added → Click on the arrow next to the New Task button → Select the Linked item → The Reference Objects window will open → Select which items will be associated with the activities that will be created → In the drop-down menu, choose, for example, Selection Set and select the desired Selection Set → Finish the procedure by clicking OK  → Newly created linked activity will appear in the schedule, named according to the chosen Selection set folder name.

When creating the Linked activity, you can simultaneously link several elements, for example, more floors. You can also add more building blocks from the model to more activities at the same time. The procedure is the same as adding one element to one activity.

The process of creating a Linked Activity is shown in the image, in which the desired Selection Set was added to the activity during its creation. It is recommended to create Smart Selection Sets which will be automatically updated every time the model is updated.

A New Task can be created using the Creation Rule command with Fixed or Dynamic types of rules.

Fixed type of creation rule will create tasks based on existing items from the current project (Zone item, Methodology item, etc.). Example: If a new Building Storey is added in Zone Plan Editor, this will not affect task creation in the schedule.

Dynamic creation rule will automatically create tasks after adding new items (Zone items, Methodology items, etc.). Example: If new Building Stories are added in Zone Plan Editor, this will trigger the creation of new tasks in the schedule.

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Creating a new schedule activity (New task)

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