New schedule

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Before creating a schedule with the help of a Creation wizard, a new schedule must be created or an existing one must be imported from other software. A new schedule can be created within the Schedule Editor tab with the process described below.

Activate the Schedule Editor tab → Click on the New Schedule command within the Schedule Editor.

New Schedule → The New Schedule window will open → In the Name field, give the name of the new schedule.

Schedule description can be optionally entered in the Description field. Besides the mandatory name, it is also important to properly define the Cost version for a specific schedule. This is especially important in the case of schedule creation through Creation Wizard since schedule methodology is based on Cost version structure. It is also possible to choose the option None for the Cost version, but it is important to know that choosing this option schedule will be created without Cost Classification

→ Finish the procedure by clicking OK.

Creating the new schedule is a mandatory step, either by creating a schedule in BEXEL Manager or importing a schedule created in other software.

Renaming the schedule

Edit → The Edit Schedule window will open → In the Name field, give the new name of the schedule.

Deleting the schedule

By clicking the Delete button, BEXEL Manager will delete the entire schedule. The software warns that this command is irreversible and cannot be undone.

Copying the schedule

Select the schedule → Duplicate → The New Schedule window will open, → Define the name and description of the schedule → Finish the procedure by clicking OK.

This function is used to make changes to the existing schedule and to check how the changes will affect the flow of the entire schedule. You can compare the selected schedules using the Compare with command in the Gantt display type.

Creating a new schedule based on the predefined selection sets

This workflow for schedule creation could be explained as the combination of certain elements of an intelligent planning engine and a traditional schedule creation process. In this process, Planner can automatically create schedule tasks already linked with elements based on a predefined selection set structure without defined relations between tasks, but relations could be defined easily in Logic schedule view, so the whole process is significantly automated compared to traditional schedule creation one task at a time. To create a schedule using a selection set based on the creation rules definition process, follow these steps:

Create smart selection sets defining the schedule structure → Activate the Schedule Editor tab and create New Schedule  → Select the master parent task → Choose the Creation Wizard command located in the second toolbar line → The Creation Wizard window will open → Select the command New → Choose Dynamic → Select selection sets from the type drop-down menu → Select a group of selection sets representing the previously defined construction sequence → Click on the OK button → Finish the schedule creation process by clicking OK → A new schedule will be created with tasks corresponding to the selection set structure with no relations defined between tasks → Change the schedule view to Logic → Define relations between created tasks by simply dragging the arrow from one item to another, creating a new relation → At the bottom of the Logic display type change the Type of created relation and define Lag Type and Lag

Repeat the same process on created leaf tasks to generate new Schedule items beneath the leaf task (for example, to create new tasks Architecture, Finishes, MEP, etc., beneath the Superstructure task). New leaf tasks will be created and the upper task becomes the Children Task.

Even though the classic manual creation process (typical for traditional planning tools) is available in BEXEL Manager, it is highly recommended to primarily use the advantages of software automation which in BEXEL Manager can be applied in a range from the fully integrated intelligent planning process (Smart 4D and 5D BIM management) to partial automation that will significantly improve the traditional planning process and reduce the workload on a planner.

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New schedule

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