Clash detection workflow Estimated reading: 3 minutes Workflow Watch the video Do it yourself Workflow Watch the video Do it yourself 1. Create a federated BIM model from multiple IFC files ➡️2. Import from the Knowledge base clash selection sets template based on IFC rules ➡️3. Import from the Knowledge base clash matrix template based on selection set rules ➡️4. Update all clash jobs5. Optionally, manage clash detection results (group clash results, manage statuses) ➡️6. Publish BIM model to the online Bexel Viewer ➡️7. Log in to Bexel Viewer and load all sources ➡️8. Copy Bexel Viewer model URL address 9. Publish clash detection report to Power BI + Bexel Viewer dashboard ➡️ 9a. Paste Bexel Viewer model URL address and check Auto Load Models 9b. Refresh Power BI dashboard to load data from Bexel Manager 9c. Publish Power BI dashboard to include Bexel Viewer modelNote: After publishing, open Power BI in the browser. If Bexel Viewer doesn’t appear shortly, please log in to Bexel Viewer, after logging in, reload the page with the Power BI dashboard.10. Analyse clash detection results within interactive Power BI + Bexel Viewer dashboard11. Create embedded report and share dashboard with other stakeholders ➡️