Dockable add-in

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Each Add-In can be docked within the BEXEL Manager user interface like other predefined windows (e.g. Schedule Editor, Cost Editor, etc.).

After creating a new, empty dockable control it can be used for hosting user-defined control. A user-defined control can be pasted into the dockable control or can be removed from the dockable control. A dockable control can be docked, undocked, shown, or hidden. The default position for docking is at the bottom, along with the Schedule Editor, Cost Editor, Clash Detection, etc. Once the position of the dockable control has changed, it will be saved on close of the BEXEL Manager.

In the following screenshot, the mentioned actions are shown.

A various actions for dockable control

In the following screenshot, a user-defined control is shown.

An example of user-defined control

In the following screenshot, created options are shown in BEXEL Manager. Also, there is a created dockable control with user-defined control inside it.

A various actions for dockable control in BEXEL Manager and an example of dockable Add-In

In the following screenshot, an example of dockable Add-In is shown. It is Property Checker Add-In.

Property Checker Add-In
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Dockable add-in

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