BEXEL CDE – October 2024

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Released: October 2024


  • Introduced the option to create a BCF project when creating a CDE project. Within the window for creating or editing a CDE project (section “Include BEXEL Products”), a check box “BEXEL BCF.Server” has been added. By checking it, the associated BCF project will be created. All users who are later added to the CDE project will automatically be added to the BCF project as well.
  • A new type of BCF issue “Document Set” is here. Its purpose is to hold together a set of related documents to make it easier for users to access them. The option to create a new “Document Set” is available within the BCF Manager tab, then New Issue (+) -> New Document Set. Also, predefined filter “Document Sets” can be used.
  • Аdded option to choose whether to link to the latest version or to link to a fixed version when linking documents to BCF Issue.
    • Within the window for selecting documents to be linked, two options are available:
      • Latest Version – if we want to always have the latest version of the document for the linked document. Until now, this option was chosen by default.
      • Current Version – if we want the linked document to always be linked to the selected version of the document. So regardless of new versions of the document being added, the linked document would have the version it was on when it was linked.
    • When creating “Document Approval” it is not possible to choose the version of the document, the Current Version is always choosen.
    • Additionally, within the table of linked documents there are now two new columns named: “Cur.Ver.” and “Lts. Ver.”.
  • Introduced the possibility of skipping any of the First Reviewers by Second Reviewers.
    • The option can be activated by checking “Allow Direct Approval” when creating a Document Approval (DA). If it is active, Second Reviewers will immediately see the DA, receive notifications about changes from the First Reviewers and can approve the DA before all First Reviewers approve. The role of the First Reviewers in that case is advisory and without any influence on the final decision. If there are multiple other reviewers, they must all approve the DA as before.
  • Styled comments in the Comments section within BCF Manager so that users can have a better user experience and communicate more easily with each other. Now it’s much easier to visually separate current users’ comments from the comments of other users.
  • Disabled option of subsequent status change of the Document Approval by the reviewer. A reviewer can only change the status to “Approved” or “Rejected” once and that decision is final after saving.
  • Fixed an issue that caused inconsistent behavior when one of the First Reviewers set the status to “Rejected” and the next to “Approved”. In this case, the status was changed to “Pending Approval” instead of remaining in the “Rejected” status.
  • After adding a new tag in the BCF Manager section, the newly created tag is selected and visible in the list.
  • The message for a failed update of the Issue is displayed only the first time we add a previously deleted tag to an Issue, and the changes are not synchronized with the BCF module.
  • Fixed an issue that caused it to be possible to start linking documents to a BCF Issue even when the issue list is empty.
  • The text font on the tabs for selecting visible modules within the BCF Manager tab is uniform with the rest of the controls.


  • Introduced the option to change the user’s avatar directly through the BEXEL CDE portal.
    • The change can be made by clicking on the name of the logged-in user in the header, and then selecting the “Change profile picture” option.
    • The avatar will be displayed on user selection forms (e.g. adding users to projects, versions, or BCF issues), as well as within the Discussion within the BCF Manager.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the sharelink user to be counted as an additional user in the CDE projects table.
  • Fixed an issue that caused publishing projects from Bexel Manager to CDE to fail if no selection set was selected.


  • File upload limits have been increased:
    • The maximum allowed size of a single file is now 2GB.
    • The length of the file name can be a maximum of 180 characters.
  • Significantly improved the process of uploading files and folder structure via the Drag&Drop method. Now it is possible to drag folders or files directly into the Documents window. Messages that are printed in case of limitations are clearer and the process itself is more fluid.
  • Improved working with several different Docs projects at once within the same browser (multiple open tabs). Previously, this caused errors and a session timeout message to be displayed in some cases.
  • Significantly improved performance in cases when access rights are added to a deep folder structure (a large number of folders and files at once).
  • A new option called “Not Defined” has been added to the “Filter by Status” dropdown menu. This option filters out all documents without a defined status.
  • A new option called “Reset Status” has been added to the “Request Document Approval” dropdown menu. It removes statuses from selected documents.
  • Fixed a bug that in some cases caused the folder structure upload process to fail and email notifications to fail too.

BEXEL Viewer

  • The “View Fit Selection” option is disabled by default both on the BEXEL CDE Portal and within the Power BI reports.

IDS Check

From now on the results of the IDS Check are also available on the BEXEL CDE portal.

  • As in BEXEL Manager, the results are grouped according to rules and then by requirements. For each individual rule or requirement the following data are available: the number of elements checked by the particular check, how many elements passed, and the percentage of success.
    Any of the individual results (elements) can be selected, isolated or colored within the BEXEL Viewer. It is also possible to filter the results based on the selection of elements from the viewer.
  • The selection can be made in several ways using the ‘Select Elements’ drop down:
    • Select Elements – all elements that were checked in,
    • Passed – selects all elements that passed in all selected rules and requirements,
    • Not Passed – selects all elements that did not pass in any selected rule or requirement,
    • Partially Passed – selects elements that are in “Passed” status in some selected rules or requirements and not in “Passed” status in others,
    • Partially And Not Passed – selects all elements that are in “Not Passed” status in at least one rule or requirement, more precisely selects the union of elements that belong to the “Passed” and “Partially Passed” sets.
  • The coloring of the elements is done by turning on the “Color Coded” option inside the IDS on, the following rules apply:
    • If only one requirement is selected:
      • For those who passed – green color,
      • For those who did not pass – red color,
      • X-ray was used for “non-checked” elements.
    • If several requirements are selected:
      • For those who passed all checks (if a group is selected, then all checks of that group) is green,
      • For those who did not pass any check, the color is red,
      • For those elements that are not in any check, a transparent color is set,
      • For those who have passed some checks and not others (some must pass and some must not), the color is yellow.


  • Enabled function for sorting the contents of the Cost columns according to their numerical and lexicographic values. This can be done by clicking on the column header and will save the hierarchy in the tree.


  • Enabled function for sorting the contents of the QTO/CBS columns according to their numerical and lexicographic values. This can be done by clicking on the column header and will save the hierarchy in the tree.
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BEXEL CDE – October 2024

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