BEXEL Manager – August 2023

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Version: 23.8

Major Features


  • Improved layout to display the entire CDE project page instead of displaying only the viewer. This improvement enables users to play construction simulation directly from Power BI.
  • The following new Power BI reports have been introduced:
    • Cost Comparison Power BI report.
    • Schedule Planned vs Actual Power BI report.
  • The option to select desired Tasks for export in Power BI reports has been enabled for Cash Flow report. Previously, all Tasks within one Schedule were exported.
  • New screen has been added for selecting individual cost assignments to be exported to PBI for:
    • Cost Comparison Power BI report.
    • Model explorer with cost.
    • 5D Estimation.

BEXEL CDE Publisher 

  • Added an option for updating CBS in the CDE model from the BEXEL Manager. 

Revit publisher 

  • Added support for the following element categories:
    • Fabrication Ductwork Stiffener
    • Structural Beam System
    • Structural Fabric Area
    • Structural Fabric Reinforcement
    • Structural Framing
    • Toposolid
    • Truss
  • Increased performance of the Revit Publisher for cases when the model contains a large number of Electrical System elements. [LINK]
User Interface 
  • The option to choose the background color of tooltips, as well as the size, color, and font of the text in tooltips, has been enabled in all Viewers.
  • Grid lines and coordinate axis labels have been added to all Viewers.
  • By default, the display of the World Coordinate System now is turned off in all Viewers.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when selecting an element that contains Part elements from Revit. Also, fixed a bug that caused users to be disabled from turning off the option for selecting sub-elements on selection of the parent element (Settings -> General Settings -> General -> Select Sub Elements on Selection).
  • Fixed a bug with unsuccessful creation or update of a project when the project contains elements with Constrained By Level relationships.

Other Features

BEXEL CDE Importer 

  • During the import of Selection Sets, the Selection Sets that exist in the BEXEL CDE but not in the active project are now preselected.


  • A property system has been introduced in Cost, similar to the existing system in Schedule. Custom (Cost and Text) properties can be created on Classification Items and Cost Items.
  • Modified the behavior of the Replace option that appears when there is a conflict in assigning cost items. The option now removes all assignments made from that cost item and creates a new assignment instead of replacing assignments just on elements that are passing current element query.
  • Modified the behavior of the Assign option in the Cost Editor tab. The option now creates a new assignment for the selected elements for the chosen cost item.


  • Enabled selection of font and text color in Schedule legend within Schedule Viewer.
  • Fixed a bug in Task Editor form, where in the Cost tab were displayed Other Cost instead of the total Equipment Cost.
  • Fixed a bug when importing Schedule from Primavera via Legacy XML importer, Tasks are now matched first based on Activity ID and then by WBS.
  • In the Schedule viewer legend, when running an animation, root tasks will not be shown when the “Show All Tasks” option is checked.
  • Fixed a bug where obtaining incorrect Total Cost during the import of the schedule using Legacy Primavera P6 (xml) importer. Expenses cost defined in Primavera was not able to import.
  • Fixed a bug in Schedule, where was created a task for WBS without activities if it is imported from Primavera.
  • Fixed a bug where tasks imported from Primavera for activities that are “in progress” had incorrect start and finish dates.
  • Fixed a bug were during import from Primavera – task relation lag type was not imported.
  • Fixed a bug where poroperty IsCompleted in schedule Gantt did not have the correct value on parent tasks.
  • Fixed a bug with obtained incorrect duration progress when importing Primavera XER or XML files and  Activity Percent Complete is set to 0%.
  • Fixed a bug where non-checked tasks were imported in the import wizard when using XER and XML importers.

Data Enrichment Addin

  • Added an option to enrich only selected elements that pass rules. This enables users to do enrichment in a more flexible way on just a part of the model.

Knowledge base

  • Updated some old and added new templates for Selection Sets, QTO, Methodology, and Data Enrichment.


  • Improved mapping of the following IFC entities to BEXEL Manager: IfcPipeSegment, IfcWall, IfcWallStandardCase, IfcBuildingElementPart, IfcBuildingElementProxy, IfcFooting, IfcPile, and IfcBeam.


  • A property system has been introduced in Cost, similar to the existing system in Schedule. Custom (Cost and Text) properties can be created on Classification Items and Cost Items.
  • Modified the behavior of the Replace option that appears when there is a conflict in assigning cost items. The option now removes all assignments made from that cost item and creates a new assignment instead of replacing assignments just on elements that are passing current element query.
  • Modified the behavior of the Assign option in the Cost Editor tab. The option now creates a new assignment for the selected elements for the chosen cost item.
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BEXEL Manager – August 2023

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