BEXEL CDE – May 2024

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Released: May 2024


  • Introduced functionality to view Cost Estimate (Cost Versions) published from the BEXEL Manager. Besides a basic view including a cost structure, the number of elements for each item, and all available columns, there are also options to isolate elements by each cost assignment or to filter cost structure based on selected elements. The cost data can be published from the BEXEL Manager version 24.5 or newer.
  • From now on, the Quantity Takeoff or Custom Breakdown Structure can be created directly on the BEXEL CDE portal for each project version. Based on chosen properties for rules and quantities, the user can quickly create various structures that help further review the model. Once created, all QTOs and CBSs will be saved and available for later use and for all users who have access to that project version.

    From the BEXEL Manager version 24.5 or newer, the following additional properties are now published to CDE for each element when publishing the new version:
    – Category
    – Family
    – Building Name
    – Building Storey Name
    – Storey Elevation
    – Storey Name
    – Document Path
    – Document Title
    – Import Date and Time
    – Central File Name
    – BX3 File Name
    – BX3 File Folder

  • The Project Administrators or Account Administrators are enabled to create public share links. Public links are generated on demand for each model version. Anyone with the link can access the report without requiring a direct access version to view the model. Also, these public share links can be used when generating the Power BI reports with BEXEL CDE/Viewer from the BEXEL Manager (version 24.5 or newer).

    * This option will be available upon request only to customers with enterprise agreements.


  • Introduced option to filter BCF issues based on various criteria/fields. By default, Closed issues won’t be shown. The filter can be activated by clicking on the Filter tab inside the BCF module, and once activated, will replace the Documents or Comments tab.
  • Added the ability to link documents (warranties, manuals, pictures, drawings, etc.) to the BCF issues. In order to use this feature, a user must be added to the Docs module on a certain project. All existing access rights on the Docs module will also be applied here.
  • The BCF module’s user interface has been enhanced when docking on the left or right side of the window. Certainly, the recommended docking position is on the bottom.

Power BI

  • The Source tab inside the BEXEL CDE visual within the Power BI is now visible by default when automatic model loading is not chosen when published.


  • The source tree is reordered, so the folders always go first, followed by the files.
  • Introduced a thousand separators for Element columns within the QTO/CBS module.
  • In some cases, the project name in notification emails or within the BEXEL Manager UI was displayed as the old name after it was changed in the CDE portal.
  • Fixed the issue that caused the Viewer visibility couldn’t be changed when used inside the Power BI report.
  • Fixed an issue in the Create/Edit Project window that caused the edit project image buttons to disappear if the window was minimized.
  • Fixed the layout of the Properties window on smaller resolution screens.
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BEXEL CDE – May 2024

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