BEXEL Manager – December 2023

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Version: 24.0

Major Features

    Power BI + BEXEL CDE

    • Enabled export of cost classification user-defined properties to following templates:
      • Model Explorer with Cost
      • Cost Comparison
      • 5D Estimation
    • Introduced a new type of report named Connect Data, which enables linking BIM models with non-BIM data from external sources, such as Excel. Guideline for this feature is included [LINK]
    • Enabled export of CBS and introduced Color Schemas for all Property Checker reports

    Property Checker

    • Introduced IDS checker within Property checker module, including material and relations check. All results can be published to Power BI + BEXEL CDE interactive dashboards
    • Introducing new option to generate color-coded CBS based on available results that can be seamlessly exported to Power BI reports for Property Checker

    BEXEL CDE Publisher

    • Enabled publishing and updating QTOs and schedule animations to CDE project versions
    • Added indicators and automatic preselection for CBS, QTO, and Schedule Animation missing on CDE, for easier collaboration and communication between BEXEL Manager and BEXEL CDE
    • Enabled the publishing of Schedule Animation camera positions and movements for CDE project versions (during publish and update process). It is important to set active animation, as well as set time interval, to construction schedule animation that will be published to BEXEL CDE, before publishing process
    • Enabled publishing the default scene (scene currently active within BEXEL Manager viewpoint) during the model’s publishing to BEXEL CDE
    • The corresponding CDE server to which the user has access will be automatically selected within BEXEL Manager If the user has access to more than one server (e.g. EU, US, India, etc.), there will be an option for choosing the right one. (BEXEL CDE-> Selected CDE)
    • Several adjustments within the CDE Publishing wizard, refining the user experience and ensuring a smoother, more intuitive publishing process


      • Enabled the generation of a color gradient/scale for coloring elements. Logarithmic and linear interpolation are now available for color generation, along with options for fine-tuning like choosing maximum, minimum, and median colors/values. (Set Color Interpolation option, second button from Set Color Coded Rule option)


        • Introduced the ability to create Numeric, Boolean, and Date types of User Defined Properties (columns) in cost classification
        • Enabled the display of cost classification user-defined properties in the Cost Estimate window. Using column chooser, a user-defined property can be added or removed from the cost estimate table
        • Enabled inline editing (double-click on the cell) of user-defined cost properties within the Cost Editor window
        • Introduced automatic columns for Quantity, Unit Cost, and Base Construction Cost in the Cost Estimate tab. This use case is especially useful when it’s needed to compare contracted prices (fixed Quantity, Unit Cost and Base Construction Cost) and the price of executed works from BIM (automatic Quantity, Unit Cost and Base Construction Cost)
        • Enabled export cost classification user-defined properties to Excel for tendering, as well as an Excel Report from Cost Estimate Window
        • Import and export of Classification User Defined Properties are now available. Added guideline within exported Excel files (Help sheet)
        • Added the option “Select All Children (Including Self)” within the Cost Editor window

          Property Manager

          • Introduced the new Property Manager add-in for automation of BIM model attributes management. From now, Property Manager will be automatically updated when launching BEXEL Manager. [LINK]

            Property Checker

            • Introduced IDS checker within Property checker module, including material and relations check. All results can be published to Power BI + BEXEL CDE interactive dashboards
            • Introducing new option to generate color-coded CBS based on available results that can be seamlessly exported to Power BI reports for Property Checker


              • Enabled the ability to delete multiple schedules at once (Schedule Editor -> Delete -> Delete Multiple)


              Other Features

                BEXEL CDE Publisher

                • The corresponding CDE server to which the user has access will be automatically selected within BEXEL Manager. If the user has access to more than one server (e.g. EU, US, India, etc.), there will be an option for choosing the right one (BEXEL CDE-> Selected CDE)
                • Several adjustments within the CDE Publishing wizard, refining the user experience and ensuring a smoother, more intuitive publishing process


                  • Improved sorting of CBS/QTO trees. Numeric values or dates will now be sorted from lower to higher values, providing a more intuitive ordering


                    • Introduced an option to show paths of unassigned Cost Items on the clipboard during AutoAssign
                    • Modified the functionality of the Replace option during Auto Assign in the active cost version, ensuring that the modified values (fixed Quantity or Cost) are persisted
                    • Resolved issue with interruptions when double-clicking a search row in the Cost Editor window

                      Data Enrichment

                      • Improved reading of numeric values. Now, numeric values are read as Numeric only when the specific column/cell in the Excel is marked as Numeric
                      • Changed the way of matching the Category rule to match a system category (like in Building Explorer -> Elements window) instead of matching it with the property Category

                        Knowledge Base

                        • BEXEL Knowledge Base templates are updated, and from now on, the latest and updated templates will be downloaded whenever launching BEXEL Manager


                          • Added the “Triangles” Calculated Property, representing the number of triangles on the element. For existing projects, it is necessary to follow these steps: Ribbon -> Manage -> Modify -> Properties -> Reevaluate Calculated Properties

                            Property Checker

                            • From now, Property Checker will be automatically updated when launching BEXEL Manager

                              BEXEL Manager Revit Publisher

                              • Improved reading Revit models that have “Mirrored Links” and the geometry of the Structural Fabric Reinforcement element category have been changed to be linear in the latest Revit Publisher [LINK]
                              • The Revit Properties Importer add-in for Autodesk Revit 2024 has been released [LINK]
                              • Revit Publisher performance has been accelerated [LINK]

                                BEXEL Manager NavisWorks Publisher

                                • BEXEL Manager Add-in for NavisWorks Improvements:
                                  • Multiple rules can be mapped into the same element category
                                  • Added the Name column for rules in order to easily manage them
                                  • Added option for publishing only selected or all elements
                                  • Introduced the option for exporting multiple files divided by rules or initial sources
                                  • Performance improvements


                                  • Fixed an issue when a schedule is deleted from Logic or LOB controls
                                  • Fixed an issue when entering a value for the Schedule legend font is not contained within the Combo Box
                                  • Enhanced Schedule legend display within the Schedule Viewer
                                  • Enabled incremental progress import from MS Project and Primavera
                                  • Enabled saving of the last active camera animation for each Schedule. Saved active animation will be published together with chosen schedule to BEXEL CDE
                                  • Resolved the issue when entering negative decimal numbers for Numeric properties in Gantt and Currency properties in the Cost Editor through the edit form
                                  • Resolved issue with Resource Leveling, when potential new task duration exceeds max supported task duration
                                  • Resolved issue with the Update Task Duration from Daily Output when the calculated activity duration was less than 1 hour
                                  • Resolved issue with Non-BIM Assignment deleting, when the Filter Assignments Without Elements was active
                                  • Added new Classification User Defined Properties to the Payment Certificate (Schedule Editor -> Export -> Export Payment Certificate)


                                    • Enhanced performance within Zone and Methodology modules


                                      • Added the option “Import Multiple Projects” within the Manage Projects and Versions window. This option will help you when migrating projects to a new location or new machine. (BEXEL-> Projects and Versions->Import Multiple Projects)


                                        • Enabled the loading of IfcSpatialZone entities
                                        • Removed duplicated geometry during the import of IFC files, which occurred when both the Assembly and sub-elements had geometry. In such cases, the geometry of sub-elements will be displayed


                                          • Saving of the Original Relation Type during the import of models from BX3 or IFC. This data is also available through the API


                                            • All predefined API scripts have been reviewed and improved, focusing on Lookahead scripts
                                            • Introduced the OriginalRelationTypeName property to the ElementRelation object [LINK]


                                              • Resolved the issue causing slowdowns on large models in some cases when selecting or adjusting the visibility of elements that have nested components, such as Assemblies or Parts categories
                                              • The default settings for the selection of sub-elements have been changed so that they remain inactive for new users (Settings-> General Settings)

                                              Power BI + BEXEL CDE

                                              • Introducing a new report type that displays the results of the Relation Check. Easily accessible through the Manager ribbon tab> Power BI -> Publish Report with BEXEL CDE-> Property Checker Results -> Relation Data Check
                                              • Added a Subcontractor slicer to the Cash Flow Power BI report
                                              • Enabled export of Task Properties to following templates that contain Schedule data:
                                                • Cash Flow
                                                • Earned Value Analysis
                                                • Resources Earned Value Analysis
                                                • Custom Period Payment Certificate
                                                • Monthly Payment Certificate
                                              • Resolved issue with invalid dates for the certification period in some cases, when the exporting Payment Certificate Power BI reports
                                              • Resolved issue with the Earned Value Analysis report, where the Planned Value S-curve was not displayed if the corresponding Baseline schedule was not exported within the report
                                              Sharing is caring

                                              BEXEL Manager – December 2023

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