BEXEL Manager – March 2022

Estimated reading: 8 minutes

Version: 21.7

Major Features


  • The entire user interface inside the Clash Detection window has been improved in order to have a better user experience when working with multiple clash jobs. Now it is much easier to Update, Export, or make Reports for all selected Clash Jobs at once.
  • Clash groups are now counted as a single item instead of counting each clash pair inside them. This behavior is especially needed e.g. one pipe is clashing with multiple other elements. In this case, this will count as one single clash.


  • The Other Cost and Subcontractor Cost were introduced to all respecting analysis (e.g. Cost, Schedule, Progress, Power BI, Exports, etc.).


  • Added the option for exporting a separated file for each model source inside the Export to IFC window.


  • The new option named Coloring is now available in the Gantt toolbar. It includes an option for coloring the tasks on the critical path and a new option for coloring task rows and bars by a task color.
  • Added the option for coloring tasks based on the task’s property values. The option is available by going to the Settings window inside the Schedule Editor, then tab Colors, and choosing the Task Coloring System to be Task Properties.
  • A new type for coloring Currently Active and Completed elements inside for the Schedule Animation have been introduced – Color Coded View Colors. Also, Completed elements now can keep the last task color. The all-new options are available inside the Settings within the Schedule Animation window.
  • Enhanced the import from Primavera to support XER and XML files. The import is much more robust and supports all Primavera versions. The following imports are supported:
  • XML Files – Legacy Importer (The old importer used in case of compatibility issues)
  • XML Files (New more robust import)
  • XER Files (New more robust import)

Other Features


  • A new tool, the BEXEL Publisher Addin for Navisworks is available on our website for the Navisworks Manage versions 2020, 2021, and 2022. This publisher enables project teams to generate BIM models from authoring tools and formats (e.g. DWG, DWF, Aveva, Infraworks, MicroStation, Rhinoceros, SmartPlant 3D, Solidworks, etc.) supported by Autodesk Navisworks, but which does not support export to IFC file format, into BEXEL Manager software as federated BIM model ready for integrated 3D/4D/5D project management and analysis. [LINK]
  • The BEXEL Manager Revit Publisher and BEXEL Manager Properties Importer for the Autodesk Revit version 2022 are now available on our website [LINK]. Also, the new element types from the Autodesk Revit 2022 are now supported.
  • A new version of the Data Enrichment add-in has been released. New functionalities are as follows:
  • Possibility to add multiple properties at once.
  • Possibility to define type and group of the property to be added. [LINK]
  • A new version of the Unreal Schedule Exporter add-in has been added to the Bexel User Area – fixed the issue causing the crash during the import process if some elements don’t have GlobalID property defined. [LINK]
  • A new version of the Property Checker add-in has been released. The following checks are introduced:
  • Naming Convention
  • Numeric range
  • Condition checks [LINK]


  • Added option for changing Task Color through API. [LINK]
  • Added option for changing the color of an element inside the 3D viewer through API. [LINK]


  • The Excel export was improved by adding new pivot tables and Building Name column.
  • The options for Expand, Collapse, Expand Selected, and Collapse Selected were added for the clash pairs and groups inside the Clash Detection window.


  • An option for filtering cost assignments without elements was added inside the Assigned Items window.
  • The Expand To Level option has been added into a toolbar inside the Cost Editor window. Also, the option Expand selection for level(s) has been added within the context menu.
  • The filter for properties has been added inside the cost item formula editor window.
  • Added automatic selection of the assigned items passed search conditions inside the Assigned Items window.


  • The exchange process execution time was significantly decreased in some cases. This will decrease the time for resolving the conflicts while multiple users collaborate on the same BEXEL Manager CDE project.


  • Added support for new categories introduced in the Autodesk Revit 2022 and for some missed categories from the previous versions.

Power BI

  • Introduced the option for exporting only data instead of a full Power BI template. This option should be used for exporting the data for custom PBI reports.
  • Added an option for setting the Date Time Pattern for the schedule inside the Power BI export. This functionality speeds up the export process if the time resolution for export is changed to be in e.g. weeks or months instead of days.


  • Added option for adding multiple quantities at once inside the Quantity Takeoff creation window.

Online Projects

  • Added an option for rollback to an old version of the project.
  • Added option for changing the location of the local repository for online projects.
  • An option for the automatic conflict resolvement was added.
  • Introduced the warning to the user while downloading the BEXEL Manager project if some downloaded file paths exceed the maximum supported Microsoft Windows file path lengths.


  • Resolved the issue occurring while grouping the properties by the parent in some cases.


  • Resolved the issue that was appearing when publishing the Topography elements without surface material.
  • Added support for reading the Function property for some element categories.

Selection Sets

  • Introduced the Export to Excel and Import from Excel option in the Selection Sets window. This option replaces the Selection Set Utilities add-in that is now deprecated.
  • Introduced the option for including and excluding elements into multiple selection sets at once.


  • Introduced the functionality to adjust task duration in respect to daily output defined in the Cost Editor window. In order to execute this operation please use the following option: Schedule Editor window -> Open the “Task Editor” Drop Down -> Press the “Update Task Duration From Daily Output”
  • Introduced the functionality to export the activities without elements for progress entry. This functionality enhances the process of entering progress for activities that are not BIM-based. In order to export only activities without elements to excel, for progress entry use the following option: Schedule Editor window -> Export -> Export To Excel (Progress) -> In the “Select Tasks” window press the “Export Activities Without Elements Only” button.
  • Introduced the “Parent Task Level” properties to the tasks. These properties are available as columns in the Gantt control. The main benefit of these columns is to enable the flexible WBS grouping after exporting to external software (e.g. MS Project or Primavera).
  • Introduced the functionality that enables entering progress from the selection sets. The name of the selection set must begin with Cost Item Code (in this case part of the selection set name from the beginning until the ‘|’ character will be considered as Cost Item Code). This option is available in the Progress Entry Editor window: Add -> From Activity Selection Sets…
  • Introduced the Elements QTO tab inside the Task Editor window. This tab lists Volume, Area, and Length quantities for selected task elements.
  • Eliminated the behavior that the import process alters some task constraints during the import from MS Project when the “Force Imported Dates” is unchecked.
  • Introduced the Name filed in the Progress Entry Editor. This field is required.
  • Introduced the flexibility to configure the mapping functionality inside the Task Link Rule Editor:
  • Map Action: Add, Overwrite
  • Map Type: Include, Exclude, Intersect
  • Added option for playing the active schedule animation in Tasks mode within the Schedule Animation window. The active schedule animation name will be displayed in the toolbar.

User Interface

  • Introduced saving camera positions on project save.
  • Better support for 4K displays.
  • Added support for some new currencies. Also introduced the Latvian, Hebrew, and Arabic letters within viewer’s legend.
  • Updated translations for all supported languages.
  • Fixed the wrong translation on some languages in the World Coordinates window.
  • Added the filter inside the Sources window. In order to activate the filter please use the CTRL+F keys combination.
  • Fixed the issue that the user interface was not affected after the Project Culture was changed.


  • Resolved the issue while opening a project on the BEXEL Engineer version.
  • Added the option for defining the Super Project, Country, City, and Project Type inside the Project Information window.
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BEXEL Manager – March 2022

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