Downloading the latest version of the TeamWorks project Estimated reading: 1 minute 242 views When a user commits changes to the project, another user can download the latest revision of the project. It is possible to download the latest revision as a new project version or to overwrite the current project version. If the user chooses the command “Get As a New Project Version”, a new version of the BEXEL Manager project will be created. If the user chooses the command “Overwrite the current version”, the data from his project version will be discarded and the user will import the data from the latest revision. To download the latest version of the project, follow the process described below. Activate the TeamWorks tab in the upper corner of the user interface. à Click on the arrow beside the command Get Latest. à Choose from the option As a New Project or Overwrite Current Project Version. The recommended workflow would be to choose the command Get as New Project Version, where we download the latest revision of the project with all the latest analysis.