Create and open project

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Creating a new project

To create a project, please follow the process below.

Click New ProjectAdd New Project window opens → Define the project name and project version → Click on the Choose… command → Open the desired location and select BX3, BESLN, or IFC file → Click Open → Finish the process by clicking OK.

Creating a new project using BX3 files

BEXEL Manager can create a project by merging several BX3 files.

Click New ProjectAdd New Project window opens → Define the project name and project version → Click on the Choose… command → Open the desired location and select all BX3 files → Click Open → Finish the process by clicking OK.

Creating a new project using IFC files

Creating a new project from IFC files is the same as with BX3; the only difference is that IFC format files are selected.

Click New ProjectAdd New Project window opens → Define the project name and project version → Click on the Choose… command → Open the desired location and select all IFC files → Click Open → Finish the process by clicking OK.

You can also create a new project by selecting multiple BX3 and IFC files at the same time.

When a new project is created, the software creates a folder stored on disc C, where all later project versions will be saved. The command General Settings within the Settings tab should be used to change the location where the files are automatically saved. The location of saved files in the Project folder section is defined in the Options window.

Opening the Sample project

BEXEL Manager comes with a sample model that can be used for analysis and learning how to work within the software.

To open Sample project, click on the Open Sample Project command.

Another way to open the Sample project is to click Projects and Versions Manage Projects and Versions window opens → Click on the Add Project… command → Add New Project window opens → Define the name and the version of the project → Click Choose from Samples → Open V01.besln file from the Bexel Sample Project folder → Finish the process by clicking OK.

When the process of opening the Sample Project is finished, the interface with the model preview is open. By opening the Sample Project, a new project named Bexel Sample Project and a new version named V1 within this project are created. This information can be reviewed within the Manage Projects and Versions window. This window is activated using the Projects and Versions command.

For opening two projects simultaneously, two BEXEL Manager instances should be run.

Opening a project with a drag-drop option

The drag-and-drop option can be used for a quick overview of a BIM model. This way, an untitled document with the date of opening stated in the name of the project file is created. A BX3 or IFC file format can be used to open a file using the drag-and-drop option.

After activating the software, go to the location of the files, for example, BX3 files that will be opened in BEXEL Manager → Select one or more files and drag them to BEXEL Manager window → BEXEL Manager starts to create an Untitled file and opens it in the viewport

The Sources command within the Manage tab previews how many sources contain the BIM model. The created Untitled project cannot be renamed, although a version within the Untitled project can be renamed. Please use the command Rename Project within the Manage tab to rename the version. Use the Project and Versions command within the Welcome window to preview projects and versions.

If the changes that occur while developing a BIM project should be tracked, creating a project using the New Project command is recommended.

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