Reporting and analysis using BEXEL Portfolio Manager Estimated reading: 3 minutes 372 views BEXEL Portfolio Manager is a part of the BEXEL CDE system intended for multi-project and multi-version management. Within the BEXEL Portfolio Manager, you can analyze KPIs for all versions of all projects in a single environment allowing cross-project analytics and ensuring the quality control of the project through detailed KPI analysis. This way you can manage projects successfully by reducing risks to the minimum, making effective decisions, and planning further steps on the projects according to advanced multi-project analysis.To publish the project to BEXEL Portfolio Manager select Bexel Portfolio Manager in the Add-ins ribbon bar → Click Publish. To include Data check results into the published data, run Data Checker before the publishing process to BEXEL Portfolio Manager. Save the project in BEXEL Manager before publishing the data to BEXEL Portfolio Manager. Open the project in BEXEL Manager to publish data to BEXEL Portfolio Manager → Activate the Add-Ins ribbon → Click on the Bexel Portfolio Manager Publish command → Publish Data to Bexel Portfolio Manager window will open → Define the Project Name (only required for publishing the initial version of the project, the publisher will automatically recognize the Project name for all future versions) → Click Publish within Publish Data to Bexel Portfolio Manager window → After the finalization of the publishing process information window will be shown with the publishing information and the option to open Bexel Portfolio Manager in the browser → Click Yes.After the publish is successfully finished, by clicking Yes, the system will automatically take you to BEXEL User Area to log in → After login in BEXEL Portfolio Manager page will open in the browser with the published project version. The Project Version Name will be the same as the Project Version Name in the BEXEL Manager. To specify the project version name, save it as the project and rename the version in BEXEL Manager. Because of the sensitive nature of the project data, it is necessary to manage users’ access. Within the Project Management tab, you can configure access rights for each published project, manage versions, add or remove users and define their roles and permissions. All published data will be visible only to users with access rights and a BEXEL Portfolio license.The access link opens Overall Projects Analysis page. Overall Project Analysis page provides general cross-project analytics on the multi-project and multi-version levels.Multi Project Analysis page provides more detailed cross-project analytics on the multi-project and multi-version levels.