Project update

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Updating the project enables the existing model to be updated during the project’s development. With each update, the software will automatically create a new project version. BX3 or IFC file format is used for updating the model. In the Manage Projects and Versions window, activated by clicking on the Projects and Versions command, there is a preview of all projects and versions created after the update process. Before the update begins, close all opened files by clicking Close Project. To execute an update of the model, please follow the process described below.

Click Project and VersionsManage Projects and Versions window opens → Select a version of the project to be updated and click  Update → Within the Create Updated Version window, define the name of the new version and click Choose… → Select a file and click Open → In the Incoming column, the selected file that the project is updated with appears → In the Match To Source column, define the source that should be updated → In the Missing Elements column, define what will happen with the missing elements (Delete from project, Keep in project, Keep and add to Selection Set) → Finish the process by clicking OK → When the update is finished, the Projects and Versions window opens with the updated version.

Go to the Manage tab and click the Sources command to check how many imported models a project version contains.

If the project is updating with the new source file, instead of matching the sources, the name of the new source will appear in the Match To Source dropdown list.

Choose the Ignore option to skip updating some loaded files within the Match To Source dropdown list

Element deleted in BEXEL Manager cannot be restored by clicking a command or using a specific tool. Still, it can be restored by updating the model.

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Project update

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