BEXEL TeamWorks

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While preparing a project, different team members often simultaneously work together on the project. The BEXEL TeamWorks application is a cloud-based system that enables users who are working together on a shared model to perform synchronized analyses, receive notifications and review the history of all model versions in real time. This collaborative approach fosters efficiency, reduces errors, and promotes the integration of multiple members during the development of the construction project by creating an online project based on the saved project, which must be stored on the local computer.

The recommended workflow would be for the team members to perform different types of analysis in different modules of the BEXEL Manager ecosystem. Meaning, for example,  one user is creating selection sets that will be used for further analysis, and the other user is modifying the cost classification within the cost editor module. To enable other users to review the results of the latest performed analysis it would be recommended that the changes on the model are committed frequently and consistently using the command commit changes. To enjoy the full potential of TeamWorks application, please follow the workflows described below in this document. 

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BEXEL TeamWorks

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