Schedule editor palette

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The Schedule Editor palette is designed to manage existing and new schedules and create a 4D model and a schedule animation. The palette can be activated by clicking the same-named tab at the bottom of the screen. The schedule consists of several activities on a different level:

  • Parent Task – the activity consists of several sub-activities
  • Children Task – Parent Task sub-activity
  • Leaf Task – Activity at the lowest level which does not contain sub-activity

In BEXEL Manager, the schedule can be displayed in several different ways:

  • Display type Logic
  • Display type Gantt
  • Display type Line of Balance (LOB)

They are activated by clicking on corresponding buttons located in the upper right corner of the Schedule Editor palette.

The Pop Out command is used to view all display types Logic, Gantt and Line of Balance on a whole screen enabling further work with the accessibility to all valuable schedule information. In addition, this option allows to move display types to another screen and continue working in the software without the need to close the display type.

Display type Logic

Schedule display type Logic is used to create new activities and their connections. Activities are represented by icons with images depending on how they are made. This also applies to the activities relations. Activities inside the schedule are arranged at different levels. Switching between individual levels is done by double-clicking on the individual icon of the activity. The path to the individual level with the currently selected activities is displayed in the upper left corner of the Logic. Go Back command  can be used to switch to the previously selected level and the Go Up command to see a higher level. The toolbar contains commands such as Zoom In, Zoom Out and Scale to Fit, to increase or decrease or to display the schedule optimally. The Select Tasks command selects all activities simultaneously, while Select Relations selects all relations simultaneously. When clicked on the desired selected activity in the display type Logic, at the bottom of the screen, a menu is activated where individual activity parameters can be defined, such as the Name and the Type of activity. By clicking on the desired relation, a menu is activated where  characteristics, such as the type of the relation in the Type field, the start of the next activity in relation to the previous one in the Lag Type field, and the type of delay in the Lag field can be edited.

The duration of the activity can only be changed if the activity is selected at the lowest level, called Leaf Task. When you change the duration of the activity at the lowest level, in parallel, the duration of the activity at the higher-level changes, under which the activity was selected at the beginning. This applies to all scheduling activities, regardless of the display.

Display type Gantt

The display type Gantt consists of a list of activities on the left and a Gantt chart on the right side of the palette, which shows activities in the function of time and mutual relations. Leaf tasks or activities at the lowest level are shown in blue. Activities with sub-activities are colored in grey. It is possible to move activities within the Gantt chart and change the duration, and all the changes made are automatically transferred to all sub-activities. You can also choose an arbitrary relationship and change its characteristics.

When several schedules are listed, they can be compared with the Compare With command. This is a handy feature when making changes to the schedule and checking how these changes will affect the entire course of project implementation. Compare With command is used to perform planned vs actual analysis and compare two different schedules on a multi-analysis level.

The toolbar contains commands such as Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Scale to Fit, which work the same as in the Logic view. The Collapse All and Expand All commands are used to collapse or expand the activity list. The Filter command search activities based on the activity name or other selected parameters.

The Coloring toolbar consists of Task Colors and Critical Path commands. The Task Colors command is used to customize displayed colors in the schedule by defining desired colors in the settings menu. You can choose between coloring only Rows of the schedule and Bar or choose both options per default settings. All critical tasks are illustrated in red by clicking on the Critical Path command.

Display type Line of Balance (LOB)

The display type Line of Balance illustrates the progress of the activity according to its spatial and temporal distribution. Unlike the display type Gantt, critical paths can not be presented here. Activities are displayed in rows whose color depends on the task. The dashed line tells that several different tasks are performed simultaneously in the object. In the left corner of the Line of Balance display type in the Show Up To field, you can determine the level at which the activity is displayed. The Show Tasks Name command, is used to determine whether the activity names are visible or not. You can also choose to see non-working hours in the LOB display type by clicking on the Show Non Working Hours command. The Filter command works the same way as in the Gantt view. When you choose the desired activity, this activity is illustrated in red. When the you click on the bottom endpoint, you can move the activity over a given period of time. Clicking on the top end will change the duration of the selected activity. When clicked on the desired selected activity in the display type Line of Balance, at the bottom of the screen, a menu is activated where you can change individual activity parameters, such as the Task Type of activity, Duration of the task by working days or working hours, to choose Calendar and the type of Constraint. After editing desired characteristics, choose the option Apply to see changes in the Line of Balance or the option Discard to leave the characteristics as they were.

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Schedule editor palette

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