Creating a classification item

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Classification Item can be generated automatically based on previously defined Quantity Takeoff (QTO) or Custom Breakdown Structure (CBS) using the Creation Wizard command in the Cost Editor tab.

Creating classification items automatically based on predefined QTO

Activate the Cost Editor tab → Click on the New Classification command within the Cost Editor

New Classification → The New Classification window will open → In the Description field, give the name of the new classification → Finish the process by clicking OK.

New cost classification is active and automatically selected → Click Creation Wizard in the second toolbar line → Select From Quantity Takeoff option → The Creation Wizard window will open → Choose desired, already predefined, Quantity Takeoff from the drop-down list.

Also, the Code of Classification items can be generated From Quantity Takeoff, or from user-defined [Schema] through the earlier explained Define Code command. The Classification Item Name can also be generated from QTO, From Knowledge Base, or From Custom Template. Similar options could be selected and applied for creating of Cost Items, with more options for the Code (as per the properties defined in each BIM model element if any). Rules of Measurement can be set by selecting one of three available options From Quantity Takeoff, From Knowledge Base and From Custom Template. Based on the selected rule of measurement  – different calculation formulas will be applied to each cost item→ Finish the process by clicking OK.

Utilizing this workflow the entire cost classification will be automatically generated with all respective Classification Items, Cost Items, Quantity Types, Quantity Units and Quantity Formulas. For further adjustment of cost classification in terms of unit price and resources, advised workflow is to export the Cost Classification to Excel and make adjustments there. After that, the table with all necessary data can be imported back into the BEXEL Manager environment. Besides this workflow, cost data can be changed directly in BEXEL Manager. Using Creation Wizard, the system automatically generated Classification Items and Cost Items. Cost classification will have all defined Element Queries, which allows using the Auto Assign command and automatically assigning all Cost Items to proper BIM model elements.

Creating classification items automatically based on predefined CBS

The automatic creation of Cost Classification based on a predefined Custom Breakdown Structure (CBS) is similar to the previously explained process.

Activate the Cost Editor tab → Click New Classification within the Cost Editor.

New Classification → The New Classification window will open → In the Description field, give the name of the new classification → Finish the process by clicking OK.

New cost classification is active and automatically selected → Click Creation Wizard in the second toolbar line → Select From Custom Breakdown option → The Creation Wizard window will open → Choose desired, already predefined, Custom Breakdown from the drop-down list.

In addition to the suggested workflows, Classification Item can be created directly within the BEXEL Manager interface, creating Classification Items manually or using an Excel spreadsheet. Once the items have been modified in Excel, the updated Cost Classification can be imported into the BEXEL Manager.

Classification item creation in BEXEL Manager

Click on the classification item under which the new classification item will be placed → Click New in the second toolbar line and choose Classification Item or right-click on the classification item under which the new classification item will be placed → New Classification Item → In the Classification Item Editor fill out the Code which will be seen in the Code column or check the Schema box which will add the Code automatically as per defined rules in the Code Schema Editor (Define Code command) → Add a Name of the classification item which will be shown in the Name column → Add Description and Query if needed → Query can be added by clicking on the Change command → The Element Query Editor window will be open → Add Element Query by clicking Insert Query → Finish the process by clicking OK.

The Query contains set of rules by which the desired elements of the BIM model in BEXEL Manager are automatically connected to the formed Cost Items from the Cost Editor. This process will be presented below. The query set on classification item works as a filter, meaning that all classification or cost items created within it – will only be able to be assigned to 3D elements following that rule and all rules specified on cost items and classification items in their respective parent classification item.

After a classification item has been created, it can be edited, copied or deleted.

Editing the classification item

Select the Classification Item to change → Click on the Edit command in the second toolbar line or right-click on the classification item and then choose Edit Classification Item → The Classification Item Editor window will open → Enter the desired changes → To change the Query, click on the Change button → The Element Query Editor window will open → Change the desired data → Finish the procedure by clicking the OK button.

Copying the classification item

Select the Classification Item to copy → By right-clicking, the window will activate → Select Copy → Select a place to copy the map structure → By right-clicking on the selected place, a window will be opened → Choose the Paste option.

Cutting the classification item

Select the Classification Item to cut → By right-clicking, the window will activate → Select Cut → Select a place to paste the map structure → By right-clicking on the selected place, a window will be opened → Choose the Paste option.

Deleting the classification item

Select the Classification Item to delete → Click on the Delete command in the second toolbar line or use right click on the classification item and then choose Delete → A notification will pop up asking if you really want to delete this item → Finish the procedure by clicking the Yes button.

Classification item creation in Excel file

The best workflow for creating cost classification in Excel is to create a new blank cost classification in BEXEL Manager and export it to Excel. The newly exported Excel file will already be formatted according to the necessary specifications for proper import back. It also contains a Help sheet with a table describing the type and formatting of properties that should be included. It also explains how  Element Query needs to be specified by examples for different types of elements and expressions.

To create a new Classification Item in an Excel spreadsheet, insert a new column below the Classification item under which a new “folder” will be placed in the structure and define the following properties.

The Outline level should begin the same way as the outline level of the Classification Item of a higher hierarchy but with an additional number at the end. (For example, if the a new Classification Item is inserted within 1.1, then the outline level of the new Classification Item should be 1.1.1 if it is the first Classification item within 1.1. If the folder on higher hierarchy (1.1) already contains other folders (Classification items), let’s say it contains 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3, the numeric extension of the new Classification item should be higher than the last existing Classification item, in this case, that would be 1.1.4.).

The Outline level is always formatted so that Master Classification Item is always 1. All subsequent Classification items start from 1.1 and further levels regardless of the cost database and coding system used.

Code, Name and Description columns content is defined according to the cost database rules or the preferences and should only be formatted according to requirements stated in the help sheet.

Element Query, if needed, could be based on Category, Family name, or Material Name, based on having or not having certain property or on a specific value of the certain property. It could also be a combination of any of the before mentioned as Any of the following conditions or All of the following conditions as well as negation of expression with Negate command, which could be significant in certain project conditions.

Exact rules for expressions defined in Element Query are also specified in the Help sheet.

Upon completion of modifications to the Excel, the file needs to be saved and subsequently imported back into BEXEL Manager. Once imported, the same cost classification can be further analyzed and modified within BEXEL Manager Cost Editor.


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Creating a classification item

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