Task editor

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Task Editor is activated when a specific activity is selected. It contains several tabs, such as Time, Relations, Rules, Cost, Quantities, Elements QTO, Resources, Activities, Properties, Documents, and Settings. Task Editor allows changing the characteristics of each selected activity, while within the Settings command, characteristics can be edited for only selected activities or the entire schedule if the parent task is selected. Cost, Quantities, Elements QTO, and Resources tabs refer to creating a 5D model. On the toolbar, in the Name field, you can change the name of the activity. Leave the Automatic field blank and the activity will not be named based on the Link Rule. In the Task Type field, the type of activity can be specified, but this is only if the activity at the lowest level with no sub-activity is selected.

Time tab

When the Leaf Task is selected, or activity at the lowest level, which has no sub-activity, the duration of the activity can be changed in the Duration field. This is not possible in other cases.

Relations tab

Relations tab allows creating links between individual activities.

Schedule Task Editor in Bexel Manager

New Predecessor or Successor → The New Task Relation window will open→ Mark the previous or following activity → Choose relation type Finish-Start or Start-Finish and add lag duration by various lag types (Working Hours, Days, Hours, Duration Percentage) → Finish the procedure by clicking the OK button.

Rules tab

In the Rules tab, the connection rules can be defined according to which the construction blocks of the model are associated with the items in the schedule.

Rules New Link Rule → Select an item to associate with the activity → Finish the procedure by clicking OK.

Cost tab

In the Cost tab, all cost items related to the selected activity can be reviewed in terms of cost information. This tab contains information about total cost, labor, equipment, and material summarized for all cost items that are related to selected leaf task or information about the material, labor, equipment, subcontractor or other costs for each cost item as well as actual cost, remaining cost and cost of each cost item separately.

Quantities tab

In the quantities tab, all items related to the selected activity can be reviewed in terms of information about quantities. This tab contains information about quantity type, unit, actual quantity, remaining quantity and quantity of each item separately.

Elements QTO tab

In the elements QTO are information about elements included in the selected activity. Elements are divided according to the category and family name. They contain information about the number of elements in each family (count column) and quantities for each family, divided according to quantity type, Volume, Area, Length, etc.

Resources tab

The resources tab contains information about the material, labor and equipment per specific resource and the unit, quantity and cost for each specified resource.

Activities tab

In the Activities tab new activities can be added or changed existing activities.

Activities New → Define the Name of the new activity → Click OK → Define the Cost using the Fixed option from the Cost drop-down menu or define Unit cost using the Unit Cost option from the Cost drop-down menu → Define the Quantity using the Fixed or Time option from the Quantity drop-down menu → Define Quantity Type, Unit and Daily Output → Finish the procedure by clicking OK.

Existing activities can also be changed by selecting an activity and changing Cost, Quantity and Daily Output options similar to the previously described process for adding new activity.

You can delete newly added activity in the Activities tab, but you cannot delete existing previously defined activities.

Properties tab

The Properties tab lists the activity features defined in the source program in which the schedule was created.

Documents tab

In the Documents tab you can review which documents are attached to the building blocks of the selected activity, and  add new documents. The tab works the same way as the Documents palette.

Settings tab

This card includes settings for displaying building blocks during the schedule animation. It contains similar functions as the Animation tab under the Settings command, except that in this tab, can only be defined the display of building blocks during animation, which relates exclusively to the selected activity. 

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Task editor

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