How to check containment clash types?

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The containment clash type is used to find all the elements that belong to a room, space or any other container element. In addition to detecting elements, they can be enriched by adding appropriate relations and properties. As with other types of clashes, BEXEL Manager aims to automate the process of clash detection analysis by using predefined configuration documents that can be adjusted and reused on any other project.

Click Templates in the Selection Sets tab → Select Import From Knowledge Base from the dropdown list → Choose the Configuration document to import → All smart selection sets are imported.

Click Templates in the Clash detection tab →  Select Import From Knowledge Base from the dropdown list → Choose the Configuration document to import → All clash jobs are imported and listed within the clash job list → Click Update all and run all imported clash jobs at once → Clash jobs are updated and listed.

You can fine-tune the configuration documents for selection sets and clash detection jobs or create a custom one depending on your project needs.

When using the containment clash type, all found jobs will be automatically regrouped according to the container element they belong.

To check the relations of the elements contained in the groups select clashes manually or use CTRL+A keys to select all → With right-click on selected clashes click on Select elements → In the drop-down list select option Right → Go to Properties card on the right side of the screen → Click Relations tab → The relations of all selected elements will be listed here.

To set the relation of the selected elements right-click on selected clashes → Click on Set Relation → In the drop-down list select Contained In Room.

To enrich contained elements with relation property download the script Element Space Name Script available on Bexel User Area.

Select all clashes → With right-click on selected clashes click on Select elements → In the drop-down list select option Right → Click on API Console in the Manage tab → Click Import and choose downloaded script Element Space Name Script → Click Execute to run the script →  All selected elements will be enriched with an additional property.

To export property back to the authoring tool click Export in the Property tab → Choose a newly created property → Click OK.

For further analysis, it is possible to create a Custom Breakdown Structure based on the created property. This enables color-coded visualization of elements according to the container they belong. To find out more about this topic, go to the Color-coded Custom breakdown structure.

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How to check containment clash types?

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