BEXEL Viewer

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Once BIM model sources are loaded, the BIM model appears within the Online Bexel Viewer viewport.

There are several segments to explore the BIM model. It can be explored by clicking on specific tabs, such as Sources, Elements, IFC Classes, Spatial Structure and Selection Sets.

Element Selection

Click on the Select object icon within the Bexel Online Viewer command bar. For multiple selections, use the CTRL key on the keyboard.

Click on the desired group of elements within the Bexel Viewer explorer section. Elements are selected within the main viewport. For multiple selections, use the CTRL key on the keyboard → Right-click on a certain selection within the explorer section → Command window appears. Choose the desired command: Select, Undo Select, Select None.

Right-click within the main viewport → Command window appears. Choose desired options for element selection.

Isolate model elements

Select elements in the main viewport → Right-click within the display → Click on the Isolate command, choose the desired option and click on it (Selected Elements or Unselected Elements).

Within Explore model section, right-click on the breakdown structure → Click the Isolate command. Those elements that were clicked are isolated within the main 3D viewport.

X-Ray elements preview

Select BIM model elements. Right-click within the Bexel Viewer viewport → Choose desired X-Ray option and click on it: X-Ray (Selected Elements or Unselected Elements), X-Ray All or X-Ray None.

Click on the desired group of elements within the Bexel Viewer explorer section or select elements within the main viewport → Right-click on a certain selection within the explorer section → Command window appears. Choose the desired command: X-Ray, Undo X-Ray, X-Ray Others, X-Ray All or X-Ray None.

Color elements

To change the selected element’s color, do the Right mouse click within the explorer segment → Command window appears. Click on the Colorize Selected command → Choose desired color → Selected elements are with changed color.

Elements are selected → Right-mouse click within the Bexel Viewer viewport → Choose the Change Color command and click the Selected Elements option.

To reset element colors, use the Reset All Colors or Reset Selected Colors command, depending on which elements colors should be reset (all elements or just selected elements).

Explore element properties

Select an element → Click on the Properties icon within Bexel Online Viewer command bar → Window with listed properties appears. Properties are organized within property groups. Expand desired property group to see specific property values → Click the Filter Properties sign on the right side of the certain property and choose desired option (Select by Property Value, View Property Values) → Click the View Property Values command → Property Values window opens with the listed property values. Select elements by property value (All Elements, Selected Elements or Visible Elements) → Choose Operation (New Selection, Add To Selection, Intersect With Selection, Subtract Form Selection) → Click Select command to select elements.

Click on the Elements or Spatial Structure section within Bexel Viewer explorer → Right-click on certain selections within the explorer section → Command window appears. Click on the Inspect Properties command → Window with listed properties appears. Properties are organized within property groups.

Capture screenshot

Click on the Capture Screenshot icon within the Bexel Online Viewer command bar → The image is saved within the Downloads folder on the local computer.

BCF Collaboration

Click on the BCF Collaboration icon within Bexel Online Viewer command bar → Choose to Save BCF or Load BCF option → To save the BCF file, enter details about the BCF file that should be saved → Click on the Save command → Created BCF file is saved within the Downloads folder on the local computer.

Selection Sets

Create a New Selection Set folder

The Selection Sets tab is active within Bexel Viewer explorer → Do Right-click, and a command window appears → Click New Selection Set Folder command → New Selection Set Folder window appears. Fill in the name and description (optionally) → Click the OK command → New Selection Set folder is created and positioned within the selection sets folder structure where the right click was done.   

Create New Selection Set

The Selection Sets tab is active within Bexel Viewer explorer → Select the elements which should be included within Selection set that will be created → Do Right click, and the command window appears → Click New Selection Set command → Create Selection Set window appears. Fill in the name and description (optionally) → Click the OK command → New Selection Set is created and positioned within the selection sets folder structure where the right click was done.   

Rename Selection Set

The Selection Sets tab is active within Bexel Viewer explorer → Do Right click on a certain Selection Set Folder or Selection Set that should be renamed → Rename Selection Set window appears → Click Rename Selection Set command → Enter the new Selection Set (Folder) Name → Click the OK command → Selection Set (Folder) is renamed.

Delete Selection Set

The Selection Sets tab is active within Bexel Viewer explorer → Do Right click on certain Selection Set Folder or Selection Set that should be deleted → Command window appears → Click Delete command → Notification appears. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of a certain Selection set folder or Selection set.

Add/Remove elements

The Selection Sets tab is active within Bexel Viewer explorer → Select the elements which should be included/excluded from the existing Selection set → Do Right click on a certain Selection set where selected elements should be added or from which should be removed → Command window appears → Click Add/Remove Elements command → Choose command Include Selected Elements In Selection Set to add elements or Exclude Selected Elements In Selection Set to remove elements from the certain Selection set → Elements are added/removed from the existing Selection set.


The Selection Sets tab is active within Bexel Viewer explorer → Do Right click on a certain Selection Set Folder where Selection Sets are ready for animation → Command window appears → Choose the Animate command and click on the Start Animation command → Animation starts → To pause animation, do Right Click on used Selection Set Folder, choose Animate and click Pause Animation command → Continue animation using Continue Animation command.

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BEXEL Viewer

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