Updating a project

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

The recommended workflow for updating a TeamWorks project consists of several steps. In the first step, the latest revision of the project is downloaded by using the command Get As New Version. After the revision is downloaded the user opens the Bexel Manager Projects and Versions window and updates the project. In the last step, the user commits changes creating a new revision of the TeamWorks projects using the command Commit changes. To properly perform the described process, follow the steps described below.

Click on the TeamWorks command in the Welcome screen and within the window TeamWorks Management Center choose a certain project for an update.  àAfter the project from the list is selected, choose the command Get As New Version by clicking on the arrow next to the command Get Latest, to download the latest project version. 

Activate the Project and Versions command within the welcome screen and click within the window Manage Project and Versions on the downloaded version you would like to update by clicking the command Update. àIn the window Create Updated Version, define the Name of the updated project and choose the models for the update. After that click on the command OK

After the update process is finished, activate the TeamWorks tab in the upper corner of the screen and click on the command Commit Changes. àDefine a new title for the TeamWorks revision and click on the command OK. àA new revision has been created which contains an updated BIM model and will appear on the list within the TeamWorks Management Center window. 

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Updating a project

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