Quantity takeoff reports Estimated reading: 2 minutes Created quantity takeoff can be automatically exported as a report in XSLX file format. There are several options for exporting QTO Report contents – Flat Table, Breakdown Structure, and Styled Report.Report content can be defined using check/uncheck options on Quantity report types. By checking all report types, the exported XLSX file will contain sheets where the exact quantity takeoff is displayed in different ways, and each sheet will be appropriately named by report type. Flat table A simple flat table with all items from Quantity Takeoff. Breakdown structure The breakdown structure contains elements from takeoff divided into different groups, previously defined in takeoff creation. In the Export Quantity Takeoff Report window, the Breakdown Structure field contains two additional options: report with or without elements. By checking both options, two Breakdown structure sheets will be created. If there is no need for element IDs in the Breakdown structure, uncheck the option With Elements. Styled report The styled report contains a report divided by breakdown groups on a vertical level with automatically created screenshots from the Perspective Color Coded view.Select the quantity takeoff to export → Click Export → The Export Quantity Takeoff Report window will open → Check Styled Report and define the appearance, content of the report, and storage location → Export report. Within the Styled report, define vertical groups for breakdown structure, type of the color-coded view (Perspective or ortho), breakdown and neutral elements appearance. Viewpoint for QTO report screenshots should be set in Perspective Color Coded view, View Mode: Quantity Takeoff. Define the style of the neutral elements in the breakdown structure by choosing one of the options within the drop-down list for Neutral Elements Color: Neutral Color, Invisible, or Breakdown Color. Disable the option Fit Elements to Bounds for a consistent viewpoint for created screenshots. In case the Quantity takeoff was created without a defined color-coded rule, in the option Breakdown Element Color, choose Selection Color.